Omar Dexter, a young man from UK who reverted to Islam several years ago talks about his journey from atheism to Islam. He admits that he had so many questions about man and life but couldn’t find convincing answers to them anywhere except in Islam.
This is an autobiography of an Indian atheist woman who turned to Islam after a very long journey that witnessed so many various stages. Each stage led to the next by Allah’s Grace and Mercy. Join us to read the first part of this four-part interesting story. In this part we will see how she moved from Atheism in a Hindu environment to Deism and how she became a wife to a devout Christian…
This is the fourth and last part of the autobiography of Ologunde Sa, the Indian Ex-atheist woman who turned to Islam after a very long journey that witnessed so many various stages. Each stage led to the next by Allah’s Grace and Mercy. In this part we will see how she, after deciding to accept Islam, faces one of the hardest decisions in life. She had to choose either to stay with her husband or to become a real Muslim.
I was born in Scotland to a house which was atheist. In our house, we were not allowed ever to speak about God, and even if we learned something in school, we were not allowed to say anything or we would be punished.
Then it was Ramadan, something that I witnessed many times before in the Gulf, but something I just let it pass me by just as most westerners do. Just an annoyance, an inability to get a cup of tea during the day. In Turkey, I felt something different. I felt some sense of something else. Watch how this atheist converted to Islam.
I began to look again closely at the beauty of Islam, the science of Islam, and the life of Muhammad (peace be upon him). I began looking at all the fundamentals of Islamic Faith and marveled at each one. The way that Muslims prayed and humbled themselves before Allah 5 times per day, served as a constant reminder that they were mortal and following a higher power.
As a convert to Islam, you can easily remember the moment that you discovered that Islam was the one and only true religion. The moment of realization is an intense whirlwind of emotions such as relief, joy, gratitude and peace.
Islam is a complete code of conduct. How should we conduct ourselves? How should we act in a certain way? Watch this show to know Sh. Ibrahim Zidan's answer to these questions and much more about Muslim manners.
Only when we see what Islam says about mothers and what status they have, we can imagine what status women have in Islam, how we are commanded to treat them…
If you realized what impact the greeting salam could have, you’d live on that salutation. So, what is the wisdom behind the salam? Why should we adopt such greeting?
Tawakkul (putting your trust in God) along with observing worldly material means is the components of success. See how the Prophet applied them throughout Hijrah journey.
How could the mosque responsibly contribute to the socio-cultural and emotional needs of new Muslims? In Islam the mosque is much bigger than the building and rituals…
Watch this episode of the Prophet's Prayer series presented by Dr. Muhammad Salah on Huda TV to know the common mistakes which people make while performing the prayer.
How is the Prayer offered according to the Prophetic Sunnah? What is the number of units of each Prayer? What do Muslims say in their Prayer? What are the different positions of the Prayer?
What is the ruling of closing one's eyes during prayer? What is meant by humility in prayer? What is the reason for placing our right hands over the left? What are the recommended supplications at the beginning of the prayer?