Since the total submission of one’s will to God represents the essence of worship, the basic message of God’s divine religion, Islam, is the worship of God alone. It also requires the avoidance of worship directed to any person, place or thing other than God. Since everything other than God, the creator of all the things, is God’s creation, it may be said that Islam, in essence, calls man away from worship of creation...
Proving the existence of God is pretty straight forward. In fact, if God didn’t exist, no one would have ever spoken about Him. This short lecture, by Abu Muwahhid from the UK, aims to mainly refute the argument that God doesn’t exist because we cannot see Him.
An atheist is said to be someone who denies the existence of the Creator. This is a good definition, provided that we mean by it that the creator whose existence they deny is the only God of religion, the one true Creator. Otherwise, atheists do believe in creators, albeit they do not recognize them...
Are Science and Atheism Compatible? Does Science Really Lead To Atheism? This is the main topic of this debate – among many other issues of course that may help understand this crucial topic. The debate is presented by two main players in the field as follows: Representing the Muslim perspective was Adam Deen. While, representing the Atheist side was Dr. Peter William Atkins.You are invited to watch Episode (1) of this exciting debate and see for yourself using your own mind.
Throughout people’s lives, from childhood until the time they die, signs of the one and only true God are shown to them in all regions of the earth and in their own souls, until it becomes clear that there is only one true God--Allah. As a result of God’s signs to mankind through the ages, combined with His revelation through His prophets, all mankind has been given a chance to recognize the one God.
Our assuming the best about God really means pinning our hopes and expectations on Him. We know that God can be severe in punishment as well as most merciful, but we must hope for His mercy and be confident that if we sincerely repent for our sins and strive to do good, we will attain God's mercy.
In the Name of God Almighty to who all praises and gratitude are due. Islam is the comprehensive system of life revealed by God Almighty to guide mankind to live in harmony with righteousness and order amongst themselves. The pinnacle of the Islamic society from all sides is to be [...]
That’s why only Islamic values and morals, teachings and safeguards, are worthy of mankind. In it springs up unchanging true measure of human progress.
In the Name of God Almighty to who all praises and gratitude are due. Islam is the comprehensive system of life revealed by God Almighty to guide mankind to live in harmony with righteousness and order amongst themselves. The pinnacle of the Islamic society from all sides is to be [...]
As a new Muslim, is there a problem with keeping my original name? Do I have to change my name, and why? Does keeping it make me less Muslim? What’s the Islamic stand on that? Imam John (Yahya) Ederer tells his own story on this issue…
Does man have the right to cause the degradation of the environment? Does man have the right to distort the environment's intrinsic suitability for human life and settlement? Does man have the right exploit or use natural resources unwisely?
How much and how often do we keep our minds on money, position, worldly pleasures and satisfaction? Does and should that longing have an end? How? What does Islam say about that?
The Inspired by Muhammad campaign was designed to improve the public understanding of Islam and Muslims. It showcased Britons demonstrating how Muhammad inspired them to contribute to society, with a focus on women’s rights, social justice and the environment.
This film, produced by the Science Research Foundation, a Harun Yahya institution, presents the Muslim response to and denunciation of terrorism. It qexplains that all kinds of violence against civilians are crimes against humanity and grave sins in religious terms.
How should you make your children love to pray and accompany you to the mosque? What are the elements that must be taken into consideration while teaching children how to pray?
In this Episode, Dr. Muhammad Salah and Dr. Yasir al-Fiqi explain the position of the sitting of the tashahhud, moving the finger while reciting tashahhud, the difference between the sitting of the middle tashahhud and the sitting of the last tashahhud, the du`aa' to be recited after tashahhud, and the dhikr after finishing the prayer.
Islam is built on five main pillars. Prayer stands as the second pillar after declaring the testimony of faith. Prayer is about the establishment of a close relationship with our Creator, Allah.