Belief in the Prophets chosen by Allah to relay His message to humans is a required article of Islamic faith.They form a link between the earthly beings and the heaven, in the sense that Allah has picked them to deliver His message to human beings. There are no other channels to receive divine communications.
Watch what Karen Armstrong, best-selling British author and founder of the Charter for Compassion, says about compassion in the Qur'an. This compassion was most exemplified in the Prophet Muhammad's life. This clip is part of CelebrateMercy webcast.
Islamic doctrine holds that human existence continues after the death of the human body in the form of spiritual and physical resurrection. There is a direct relation between conduct on earth and the life beyond. The afterlife will be one of rewards and punishments which is commensurate with earthily conduct.
How come my inner beliefs are not enough to make me a Muslim? In Islam belief and conduct on the ground are the two sides of the whole Muslim where there is no lines…
In this lecture, Dr. Ibrahim Dremali reminds Muslims of the reality of death, which many people disregard and lead a heedless life. And he urges people to get prepared for that moment and for accountability in the hereafter.
Salem Al-`Amry talks on a very important subject that every muslim needs to know; that is the Status of Sunnah in Islam. He sheds light on the meaning of the Sunnah, and he further explains why we should follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) closely just as we are to follow the noble Qur'an.
Salem Al-`Amry talks on a very important subject that every muslim needs to know; that is the Status of Sunnah in Islam. He sheds light on the meaning of the Sunnah, and he further explains why we should follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) closely just as we are to follow the noble Qur'an.
It is very important for Muslims to read the Qur'an and get a better understanding of its message. This is how we can learn and practice the basic concepts of Islam as a balanced way of life.
Orientalist writers generally try to find some fault with the very basis of the Muslim faith: the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad. Thus, they come up with many theories about both. They claim, for example, that the Qur'an was not a revelation from Allah but simply written by Prophet Muhammad.
Salem Al-`Amry talks on a very important subject that every muslim needs to know; that is the Status of Sunnah in Islam. He sheds light on the meaning of the Sunnah, and he further explains why we should follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) closely just as we are to follow the noble Qur'an.
The time is prime to look back on the days of Ramadan that have already passed and see how you can improve them. Are there any aspects where you have so far been lacking? Would you have liked to perform more acts of dhikr, or remembrance of Allah, than you already have?
I converted to Islam recently and my work schedule does now allow me to pray Tarawhi prayer. What should I do? I also read the Qur'an in Arabic, but I do not understand it. Can I continue reading the Qur'an? Watch this episode to know the answer to these questions.
Fasting the lunar month of Ramadan is such an important Pillar of Islam that Muslims believe that if one dies without having made up the missed fasts, the guardian (or heir) must make them up, for they are a debt owed to Allah.
As we eagerly anticipate the beginning of the Blessed Month of Ramadan, the staff of Zaytuna Institute wishes all of our volunteers, friends, and supporters an accepted and purifying fast.
Fasting the lunar month of Ramadan is such an important Pillar of Islam that Muslims believe that if one dies without having made up the missed fasts, the guardian (or heir) must make them up, for they are a debt owed to Allah.
Have you heard about the former American Baptist girl and radical feminist, who took up a mission to convert Muslims to Christianity? But guess what happened?
Have you tried asking a Muslim woman what does she think about herself as a Muslim? Why do some people label them oppressed in a hijab? Is it in fact a question of oppression or that of modesty?
Overeating does not go with good health. Your body has a right over you. For every disease there is a cure. What do these sayings imply? What is Islam's take on healthcare?
Prophet Muhammad declared 30km area around Medina a protected grove and prohibited the cutting down of trees within its borders. Why did the Prophet do that? How does Islam view the sanctity of earth? What is Islam's take in ecological issues?
A true believer, one who is truly submitted to Allah, has many characteristics by which he or she can be identified. The most obvious of these are honesty of character and truthfulness of speech. Prophet Muhammad was a perfect example of honesty. Even before his prophethood, he had earned the titles of the trustworthy and the truthful.
What holidays do Muslims celebrate and in what way? Do all widespread ‘Islamic’ celebrations have roots in Islam? Here’s a clear and simple explanation of what is Islamic and non-Islamic about celebrations in Islam…
Born Catholic Angelina learned about Islam after interacting with Muslims here and there. She converted two months after 9/11…Why did she choose Islam and at that critical time?
Have you ever thought of the Muslim woman’s hijab as just a religious traditional habit? I had… I never knew what hijab really mean until I examined it myself. Since then I've never took it off….
This is Islam Islam means submission to God. Islam is the belief that there is only One God, whose proper name is Allah, which means the God. Islam is the same message given to all the prophets, from Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, and finally to the Prophet Muhammad, the [...]
Share this video with everyone and show them that the religion of Islam is the natural way, it is the way of all the prophets,its the religion of God. Islam is for everyone.