Islam is a way of life and provides a complete guide for human existence on this Earth to the betterment of man and looks forward to the Hereafter. In His infinite Love and Compassion for us, God Almighty has shown us the way to attain His mercy and the salvation [...]
Islam is a way of life and provides a complete guide for human existence on this Earth to the betterment of man and looks forward to the Hereafter. In His infinite Love and Compassion for us, God Almighty has shown us the way to attain His mercy and the salvation [...]
“Each child is born in a state of “pure monotheism”, then his parents make him a Jew, Christian or another religion” (Bukhari) According to this statement of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), everyone enters this world with the basic knowledge of the oneness of God and the difference between right and [...]
Introduction More than a billion people from all races, nationalities, and cultures across the globe call themselves ‘Muslim’- from the snowy landscapes of Russia to the deserts in the heart of Africa, from the skyscrapers of Los Angeles to the tribal huts of Indonesia. It’s a little known fact that [...]
This is the second part of the series. The author focuses here on the Jewish-Muslim history, Muslim Jurists and the Rules of Protected Minorities, and The Qur'an's Portrayal of the Jews.
This is the book of which there is no doubt It changed centuries of world history in 23 years it uncovered the mysteries of life and made men shed tears erasing worldly fears putting the focus on eternity and what our hands have put forth in Paradise with serenity or [...]
This is the book of which there is no doubt It changed centuries of world history in 23 years it uncovered the mysteries of life and made men shed tears erasing worldly fears putting the focus on eternity and what our hands have put forth in Paradise with serenity or [...]
The Big bang and Expansion of the Universe If anyone were to search in a library or on the internet about the recent scientific findings as to the origin and development of the Universe, they will definitely come across the big bang theory and the expansion of the universe. We [...]
In this page, an introduction to the Holy Qur’an is given. This topic will be discussed in the following main points. I. Status of other divine Books in Islam II. Definition of the Holy Qur’an III. Collecting and writing down the Holy Qur’an 1. God’s Pledge to protect the Qur’an [...]
The Big bang and Expansion of the Universe If anyone were to search in a library or on the internet about the recent scientific findings as to the origin and development of the Universe, they will definitely come across the big bang theory and the expansion of the universe. We [...]
To ourselves, to anyone who has a distorted idea about the prophet’s marriage to or doesn’t know about it: have you heard about the greatest love story ever?
To ourselves, to anyone who has a distorted idea about the prophet’s marriage to or doesn’t know about it: have you heard about the greatest love story ever?
To ourselves, to anyone who has a distorted idea about the prophet’s marriage to or doesn’t know about it: have you heard about the greatest love story ever?
To ourselves, to anyone who has a distorted idea about the prophet’s marriage to or doesn’t know about it: have you heard about the greatest love story ever?