Recently, I found myself to be very lost. And this was alarming because I used to be a person who had direction. I thought I knew where I was going and what I was doing. But things started to fall apart, internally. I wasn’t sure anymore. And then I realized I had three choices...
Modern astronomy and physics imply a fact that materialists are unwilling to accept, that is, the existence of the Almighty Creator. There are countless signs and proofs in the creation that only an unwise person can ignore and deny. Indeed, Almighty Allah created everything intelligently and accurately.
At some point in our lives, everybody asks the big questions: "Who made us," and "Why are we here?" So, who did make us? Most of us have been brought up more on science than religion, and to believe in the Big Bang and evolution more than God. But which makes more sense?
Our bodies have enemies, which we are unable to see and may not even be aware to exist. We also have an army that expertly protects us against all forms of external threat and is constantly on guard: our “immune system!” One of the most important factors for the continued existence of any country is its defence capability. As a nation, it must be in a constant state of preparedness.
For some people, such hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc. are merely forces of nature that have nothing to do with faith. They come and go, just like any other natural phenomenon. No spiritual impact or lessons can be drawn from these occurrences.
An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going. Based on his calculations, Led Adleman of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles has stated that one gram of DNA can store as much information as a trillion compact discs.
Apart from the miraculous characteristics of the Qur'an, it also contains what we can term "mathematical miracles." There are many examples of this fascinating Qur'anic aspect. One example of this is the number of repetitions of certain words in the Qur'an.
The concepts of "fine-tuning" and the "anthropic principle" that began to be employed in the 20th. century are further evidence of Allah's creation. The harmony and proportion therein were described with magnificent accuracy fourteen centuries ago in the Qur'an.
The Qur’an clearly states that iron was created outside the earth and was brought down by the Will of Allah Almighty for a purpose. Join us to watch this interesting movie by Discovery Channel as a piece of evidence on this amazing scientific fact.
National Geographic confirms the Truth passed on from generation to generation for over 1400 years, that is the Qur'an. This clip talks about how the earth got its water. While the Qur'an already mentioned how some rivers stem from some rocks, recent science is only uncovering the Truth that has been revealed over 14 centuries ago. Join us to watch this interesting video by Harun Yahya…
Scientific observation introduces man to the mysteries of creation, and ultimately, to God's eternal knowledge, wisdom and power. As stated by Albert Einstein, "science without religion is lame", which is to say, that science, unguided by religion, cannot proceed correctly, but rather, wastes much time in achieving results, and worse, is often inconclusive. Islam is a religion of reason that encourages science. Watch this film to see how the Qur'an leads the way to science by calling on people to reflect upon and examine the signs of creation around them.
Until the mid-20th century, the prevalent view across the world was that the universe was infinite; that it had existed forever; and that it will continue to do so for all time. According to this view, known as the "static universe model", the universe had no end or beginning. In maintaining that the universe is a collection of fixed, static, and...
I was born in London, specifically East London to a non strict Buddhist family. My mum is a Buddhist whilst my two big brothers are atheists but follow that religion because of my mother.
Lesley Hazleton, previously known by The Accidental Theologist, author of "After the Prophet: the Epic Story of the Shia-Sunni Split," speaks to a group of American Muslims about a new biography about Prophet Muhammad. Join us to watch this interesting video.
Then it was Ramadan, something that I witnessed many times before in the Gulf, but something I just let it pass me by just as most westerners do. Just an annoyance, an inability to get a cup of tea during the day. In Turkey, I felt something different. I felt some sense of something else. Watch how this atheist converted to Islam.
I thought the word “Muslim” was the term for an ethnic group, and I was only concerned about the Iraq war when innocent people were raped in that Abu Ghraib prison scandal.
I grew up being one of the most anti-Muslim, anti-Islam people you could ever meet. This is true: I was. I had also been anti-Arab before moving to Cairo to study Arabic (I thought Arabic calligraphy was beautiful). I’d grown up in the States, raised on American movies, which always portrayed Arabs as fundamentalists, radicals, women-oppressors, religious fanatics, terrorists, never normal, average people
I was not brought up in a religious household. It was not even a nominally religious household, if I am honest. My father was always extremely and violently anti-faith, no matter which faith, and no matter which way it manifested itself. When I was a girl of about 12, I discovered “religion”. I had a profound belief in God, but only really being exposed to “mainstream” Christianity, that’s all I really understood...