Many of us would say without hesitation that we love Allah. But there are different levels of love. Some of us may love our parents more than our siblings. We love all of them, but our love for our parents is over and above the love for our siblings. Yet the love that will give us true tranquility in our hearts is the love that prefers Allah over all else…
Throughout people’s lives, from childhood until the time they die, signs of the one and only true God are shown to them in all regions of the earth and in their own souls, until it becomes clear that there is only one true God--Allah. As a result of God’s signs to mankind through the ages, combined with His revelation through His prophets, all mankind has been given a chance to recognize the one God.
Allah is the one and only Lord, whom the hearts and souls revere and long for. All creation depends on Him at every moment. He is the Creator, the Sustainer upon which everything and everyone depends.
Have you ever truly asked yourself "What's the purpose of life?" Every person at one point in his or her life must have thought about this serious question. Here is a great opportunity for you to get an answer to the most important question in your life by John Yahya Ederer on TheDeenShow with Eddie. Let's enjoy the show...
Even if we can trace our lineage back to the Prophet himself, we as an individual have to decide whether we are going to merely accept some inherited identities from our parents or whether we are going to actively own the faith for ourselves - intellectually, morally and spiritually. We cannot inherit faith; it is something that has to come to our own hearts – through our own efforts and God’s grace.
God is the only true Provider. It is He who has bestowed on man such faculties and capabilities as seeing, hearing, thinking and articulating-attributes which man cannot live without, but which he cannot create for himself. It is He who has made available the resources of the external world which man may discover, exploit and develop but, again, cannot create.
Among the prerequisites for effective conservation of the natural environment are appropriate institutional arrangements by which society may allocate the usufruct of natural resources, by which the users may be made responsible for their proper maintenance, and through which models, encouragements, and in incentives are established for their beneficial use [...]
Among the prerequisites for effective conservation of the natural environment are appropriate institutional arrangements by which society may allocate the usufruct of natural resources, by which the users may be made responsible for their proper maintenance, and through which models, encouragements, and in incentives are established for their beneficial use [...]
God has made the land a source of sustenance and livelihood for us and other living creatures: He has made the soil fertile to grow the vegetation upon which we and all animal life depend
God has made the land a source of sustenance and livelihood for us and other living creatures: He has made the soil fertile to grow the vegetation upon which we and all animal life depend
What does the Creator of the universe tell us about the universe and what does the universe tell about its Maker? Where does man stand in the divine process?
God has made the land a source of sustenance and livelihood for us and other living creatures: He has made the soil fertile to grow the vegetation upon which we and all animal life depend
Only when we see what Islam says about mothers and what status they have, we can imagine what status women have in Islam, how we are commanded to treat them…
How could we have successful and rich relationships with people around us? What could keep our contacts tied to us in good shape? What does Islam say about that?
Have you heard about the former American Baptist girl and radical feminist, who took up a mission to convert Muslims to Christianity? But guess what happened?
Does man have the right to cause the degradation of the environment? Does man have the right to distort the environment's intrinsic suitability for human life and settlement? Does man have the right exploit or use natural resources unwisely?
Why in hundreds of verses does the Qur’an direct man to look into the sky and contemplate on its creation? What could thoughtfully staring at it lead man to?
How could I understand the Qur’an? What are the practical ways to get familiar with its content? How could I be motivated to seriously invest time and effort in learning the Qur’an, through what?
Allah the Almighty says: "Behold, We have sent it down in all clarity, in the Arabic tongue, so that you might encompass it with your reason." (Yusuf 12:2) Why was the Qur'an revealed in Arabic? To know the answer to this question, watch this short talk by Dr. Zakir Naik.
How was the Qur’an compiled in the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him)? How was the Qur’an compiled in the Life of Abu Bakr and `Uthman? What do you know about the great role of Zayd ibn Thabit in compiling the Qur’an?
Do you recall when was the last time you prayed?... Readers' answers may vary, but what is common to all is that most people pray, at one time or another. Indeed, people can pray to Allah, our Lord, at any time and in any place they like, for anything they wish.
We,Muslims, are ordered not to violate the rights of any fellow human. What about the rights of God? How much are we really aware of the rights of God the Creator?
Do you recall when was the last time you prayed?... Readers' answers may vary, but what is common to all is that most people pray, at one time or another. Indeed, people can pray to Allah, our Lord, at any time and in any place they like, for anything they wish.