This is a movie that relates to us the journey of a Japanese sister named Seiju from atheism to Islam. She is a young Japanese girl who discovers Islam unexpectedly during her experiences in America. Join us to watch the whole movie.
I was born in London, specifically East London to a non strict Buddhist family. My mum is a Buddhist whilst my two big brothers are atheists but follow that religion because of my mother.
This is the fourth and last part of the autobiography of Ologunde Sa, the Indian Ex-atheist woman who turned to Islam after a very long journey that witnessed so many various stages. Each stage led to the next by Allah’s Grace and Mercy. In this part we will see how she, after deciding to accept Islam, faces one of the hardest decisions in life. She had to choose either to stay with her husband or to become a real Muslim.
I was born in Scotland to a house which was atheist. In our house, we were not allowed ever to speak about God, and even if we learned something in school, we were not allowed to say anything or we would be punished.
Brother Nouman Ali Khan talks about how he went from being in a Muslim family but later in life he turned towards atheism and then after gaining a better understanding about the Qur’an he finally had all his questions answered and then turned back to Islam. Join us in this episode to see how Nouman Ali Khan first shifted from Islam towards atheism and then he was back to Islam after all his questions were answered.
No other religion professed by a large community have I found so comprehensible and encouraging. There seems no better way towards tranquility and contentment in life, no greater promise for the future after death.
Muhammad son of Abdullah (Peace Be Upon Him) was chosen by God to be the final Prophet sent to mankind. God chose him to be the representative and living example of the final revelation sent to the human race. We all should love and respect him because of how he [...]
As a convert to Islam, you can easily remember the moment that you discovered that Islam was the one and only true religion. The moment of realization is an intense whirlwind of emotions such as relief, joy, gratitude and peace.
As a new Muslim, is there a problem with keeping my original name? Do I have to change my name, and why? Does keeping it make me less Muslim? What’s the Islamic stand on that? Imam John (Yahya) Ederer tells his own story on this issue…
Islam is a complete code of conduct. How should we conduct ourselves? How should we act in a certain way? Watch this show to know Sh. Ibrahim Zidan's answer to these questions and much more about Muslim manners.
What are the means of purification in Islam? What is the meaning of tayammum? How to perform it? Is it permissible to perform tayammum in the presence of water?
What is the ruling of the prayer? What is the significance of prayer in Islam? How could you prepare for the prayer? What are the exact times of the five-daily prayers?
I converted to Islam recently and my work schedule does now allow me to pray Tarawhi prayer. What should I do? I also read the Qur'an in Arabic, but I do not understand it. Can I continue reading the Qur'an? Watch this episode to know the answer to these questions.